AWS vs Google Cloud – Which Cloud Platform is Right for Your Business?

January 20, 2022

When it comes to choosing a cloud platform, there are a lot of options out there. Two of the biggest players in the market are Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud. Both platforms are incredibly powerful, flexible, and widely used, but they also have their differences. So how do you know which one is right for your business?

In this blog post, we'll compare AWS and Google Cloud across a range of categories, from pricing to security to ease of use. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's dive in!


Let's start with the big question: how much do AWS and Google Cloud cost?

AWS and Google pricing models differ significantly. AWS offers a pay-as-you-go model that charges you based on usage, while Google offers sustained usage discounts that can save you money if you use their services for an extended period.

AWS and Google Cloud's pricing may vary depending on the services you select, for example, AWS charges hourly rates for virtual servers, while Google Cloud offers per-second billing, which can be especially beneficial for short-lived workloads. It is important to note that Microsoft acts as a middle ground for the two in terms of pricing, somewhere in the middle of the gap.

Winner: It depends on your business needs and usage.


Both AWS and Google offer a wide range of cloud services, from computing and storage to networking and databases. However, Google has always had a reputation for being more innovative in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, particularly in image and speech recognition, while AWS surpasses in Machine Learning and IoT services.

AWS has a five-year head start over Google Cloud in terms of offering cloud services, among whom AWS is the largest marketplace offering 200 more services than its closest competitor Google Cloud.

Winner: AWS for quantity, Google Cloud for innovation


Security is a crucial factor for any business that wants to use the cloud. Both AWS and Google Cloud provide security features such as firewalls, access controls, and encryption.

AWS has taken a more traditional approach to security, whereas Google has incorporated machine learning to detect threats about 10x faster than AWS. AWS provides a wide range of security solutions and compliance certifications, including the payment card industry’s data security standard (PCI DSS).

Winner: Google Cloud for machine learning and faster threat detection

Ease of Use

One of the most significant factors for the ease of use of a cloud service is its user interface. Google Cloud has a more friendly and visual interface, while AWS has more complex interfaces that can take longer to master.

Managed services provided by both platforms further complicates the matter since AWS follows the longer route of being more granular, giving customers more control over how their deployment is set up, whereas Google manages this for customers to make it easier for novice users. AWS has several console configuration options for managing and deploying infrastructure, as well as more optimal architecture recommendations to optimize infrastructure costs.

Winner: Google Cloud for a more user-friendly interface, AWS for more functionalities and granular control.


Both AWS and Google Cloud have their strengths and weaknesses depending on the business's requirements. AWS has a more quantity driven approach over its services and offers more granular control over the deployment settings. Meanwhile, Google Cloud is more innovation-driven, with faster threat detection and a more user-friendly interface. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate and compare each one's pricing, services, security features, and ease of use thoroughly.

Who wins the battle ultimately? Both AWS and Google Cloud platforms are pretty evenly matched, and it’s up to you to decide which platform is the right fit for your business needs.


[1] Google Cloud Vs AWS: Which Is The Best For Your Business? [2] AWS vs Google Cloud vs Azure: Which Cloud Provider Is Best? [3] AWS Vs Google Cloud: What Are the Key Differences?

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